Frequency Synthesis
No plug-in crystals are required. The user can easily select the receiver channel with a set of convenient dial controls.
Automatic Sound Focusing
The FM Plus filter control improves speech understanding in almost any environment. Whenever speech is not broadcast by the transmitter, it automatically boosts the gain of the hearing aid microphone by 10 dB to provide better recognition of self-speech and environmental sounds.
Universal DAI Cord
Just one DAI cord conveniently adapts to any model BTE hearing aid with europlug compatibility.
Worldwide Frequency Compatibility
The receiver offers narrow-band frequency compatibility for hearing assistance anywhere in the world. (The number of available channels and frequency bands varies by country.)
Flexible Coupling Options
Two methods of hearing aid coupling are available: direct audio input (DAI) and inductive coupling.
Low Battery & No FM Lights
Indicator lights make troubleshooting easy.
Auxiliary Output
A handy feature for classroom use, the receiver allows connection to a tape recorder for recording and playback of lectures.
PE 571C Charger
“Smart” Charger Circuitry
Each charging pocket automatically turns off the unit and adjusts charge time as needed. A multi-colored LED light indicates the status and/or completion of recharging.
Backdrain and Overcharge Protection
Circuits fully protect the system’s batteries from backdraining if the charger is unplugged, or from overcharging if units are left in the charger for extended periods of time.
Add-on modules allow the charger to expand and accommodate up to 10 units at a time. Any combination of receivers and transmitters can be charged.
To Place Your Order:
U.S.A.: 800-227-0735
Canada: 800.263.8700
Outside U.S.A./Canada: 707-769-1110
Web: www.phonicear.com
PE 571T Transmitter
Frequency Synthesis
No plug-in crystals are required. The user can easily select the transmitter channel with a set of convenient dial controls.
Worldwide Frequency Compatibility
The transmitter offers narrow-band frequency compatibility for hearing assistance anywhere in the world. (The number of available channels and frequency bands varies by country.)
Five Microphone Options
Choose from 5 different comfortable microphones. A convenient built-in microphone option is also available.
Auxiliary Transmission
An input jack allows transmission of sound from an auxiliary source such as a tape recorder, TV/VCR or stereo. The MIC switch lets the speaker talk over the auxiliary sound at any time – perfect for classroom instruction.
The mode switch controls power and provides quick access to two transmission modes: AUX only and MIC/AUX input.
No FM Light
Indicates that an FM signal is not being transmitted, or that the frequency selected is unavailable for use.
Low Battery Light
Indicator lights make troubleshooting easy.
PE 575R Receiver
Environmental Microphone
The environmental microphone picks up ambient sounds during group activities, and helps users monitor their own speech. The environmental microphone is usually necessary when using traditional inductive coupling.
Two Listening Modes
Users may select from FM ONLY or FM/MIC listening modes. The FM and MIC volumes are separately controlled to adapt to changing listening environments.
Auxiliary Output/Input
AUX FM OUT allows connection to a tape recorder for recording and playback of lectures. AUX MIC IN allows use of an AT667 or AT668 lapel mic for monitoring self-speech (ideal for cochlear implant users).