We also provide hearing aid fitting and custom hearing and ear protection, as well as implement hearing aid sales, services and repairs in our on-site lab. We carry all major hearing aid manufacturers’ brands, batteries and assisted listening devices including Lyric – the world’s first and only 100% invisible extended wear hearing device.
A wide variety of accessories including sanitizing sprays and earmold cleaning kits are also available for purchase at our facilities.
Prompt detection of hearing loss and treating it through early evaluations reduces the negative impact it may have in the continued psychological and physical well-being of both children and adults. Routine age-appropriate hearing screenings are necessary for evaluating hearing loss detection and devising an appropriate prevention technique method.
At Toronto Hearing Services, we have the available technology to test even the most difficult-to-test of children, including infants, and to perform the most advanced inner-ear assessments.
Most hearing loss problems are caused by damages to the inner ear. This problem is often referred to as nerve deafness. When the inner ear or auditory nerve is damaged, a weak or distorted signal is sent to the brain which makes understanding become difficult – or impossible – depending upon the severity of the damage.
To determine if you may have a hearing loss problem, ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you have difficulty hearing when someone speaks in a whisper?
- Do you find it difficult to follow conversation in a crowded room?
- Do you feel like people are always mumbling or not speaking clearly?
- Do you have ringing in your ears?
If you answered yes to any or all of the above, you may require appropriate audiological testing including testing in otoacoustic emissions, auditory brain response, impedance, hearing, pure-tone audiometry and speech.
Our staff can also facilitate ear, nose and throat appointments as needed in order to provide total care for our patients.
Don't wait!
Early treatment is the most effective treatment.
Talk to your regulated health care professional. Call or text us today.